Lebanon Emergency Response

Lebanon, specifically South Lebanon & Beirut, have been hit hard by heavy bombardment that commenced in a more aggressive way in September 2024. North Lebanon and our communities have been receiving thousands of displaced families who had had to flee their homes now destroyed and seek refuge in Nahr el Bared Camp and Akkar. Azahir Team deployed immediately to respond to their needs and offer support, shelter, food, water and clothing.

In less than a week, we went from hosting 200 to 2,000 families, and Azahir is now in desperate need of supplies like formula, diapers, mattresses and other essential needs of the displaced. Our team of volunteers is already working tirelessly to help accommodate and support their neighbors. Please consider making a donation today to help us meet these emergency needs.

In addition to offering life-saving supplies – our PSS expert team is training other youth, both displaced, refugee and local residents, in child protection and psycho-social support, so more groups of youth volunteers can go to the schools and homes sheltering displaced families and offer mental health sessions and trauma relief.



We need your support in order to continue providing urgent relief supplies to displaced families.

The Azahir Team, certified Psycho-Social Support (PSS) specialists and facilitators, took the initiative to train displaced youth from the families that have arrived to the North, in psychological first aid and trauma recovery. Three days of six hour training took place the week of October 7th, 2024, and the youth prepared to volunteer to support displaced families that are sheltering in local schools with specialized PSS sessions.